See activities below that are available:
Boutique is undergoing renovation! it's very exciting!:
Please feel free to bring your items for the shop up to the office upstairs.
We do all of our advertising on facebook.
Basement Boutique Page. Matua Community Page, Otumoetai Community Page
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am - 4pm, and Saturday 10am -1pm
Bring your pre loved items.... and/or browse the store.
Quality second-hand clothing
Jewelry, linen and books
Collectables and bric-a-brac
Bargain Basement Boutique prices
Open Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Saturdays 10:00am-1.00pm
We are looking for volunteers to work alongside our wonderful team. Email
Check us out on facebook!!
We'd love to hear from you.
Our Funding Partners:
We are delighted and blessed to have the ACORN Foundation as a partner with St Columba. We are very grateful for Acorn being such a wonderful foundation in our community.
The Acorn Foundation is a charitable trust, formed in 2003, to provide a vehicle for people in the Western Bay of Plenty to support their local community forever. The Foundation administers funds on behalf of its donors, investing their funds in perpetuity, and each year makes a distribution from the investment income of the fund, in accordance with the donors wishes.
Justice of the Peace - Tuesday 10-12 walk ins welcome:
Tuesday mornings 10-12pm at St Columba Presbyterian Church. No appointment necessary. Just check in with the office.
Looking for a Justice of the Peace? JP's provide important functions in the administration of documentation and justice in our community. The services of a JP are provided free of charge, they can help you with witnessing your signature on a document, certifying copies of documents, complete an affidavit for you, complete a declaration for you (statutory declaration made under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957).
Ballroom Sequence Dance:
Would you like to learn how to dance? We can teach ballroom sequence dancing to anyone.
Friday 7pm in St Columba Church Hall 502 Otumoetai Road, Tauranga.
Come along, be prepared for having fun!!
Contact the office for more information. or 5766756
In our community hall :
Justice of the Peace available 10-12pm Tuesday in recess
Turning Pointe Tauranga Ballet School every afternoon
Arabian Spice Belly Dancing 6.30pm Wednesday
Bible Study 9.45am Thursday
Ballroom Sequential Dance 7pm most Friday nights.
For any details on any of these please email or ring 576 6756 and ask for Ruth
Thursday Bible Study :
We have a Thursday morning Bible Study Home Group that you are welcome to join.
Every term Thursday (break for school holidays) at 9.45am in the creche at St Columba.
Come and be spiritually fed and filled up with the Word and with prayer. A great time to discuss Christ's life lessons and how they impact our lives.
Cuppa and Chat - every week:
Fridays from 10:00 - 11:00 am. In the Lounge of the Church.
It is a time to enjoy refreshments while in the company of others.
All welcome.