St Columba Presbyterian Church
St Columba Presbyterian Church
Our Mission:
To Know, Enjoy and Share Christ
Header image of the Church
502 Otumoetai Rd, Cherrywood, Tauranga

VISION: To be Biblical followers of Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, using our strengths creatively, offering healing, caring for and building our congregation, reaching out to younger families and the recently retired and supporting outreach beyond ourselves. We believe we are to be a cross generational Church, and we are starting to see that vision come true for us.

MISSION: To Know, Enjoy and Share Christ.

We believe our mission statement encapsulates the five purposes of the Church which Rick Warren in his book the Purpose Driven Church outlines.

To Know means discipleship. We will apply the teaching of Jesus and the scriptures to our lives.

To Enjoy means to worship. We will celebrate God's presence together as God's family.
It also means to have fellowship with God's people. We spend time together helping each other grow in the faith.

To share will mean evangelism. This is to invite people to accept God's Truth for themselves.
It also involves Ministry: We demonstrate God's love through service to other people in and outside the Church. This understanding of the Church's mission helps us evaluate what is important in to us.

Key Leadership:

Rev Sandra Warner

Session Clerks


Neville Wilson leads a team of caring people who oversee the pastoral care and governance of our parish. They do this with prayer, love and care.

O Team:

This group cares for our property and finances. They prayerfully manage the upkeep and dispersing of funds collected by the congregation of St Columba.

Loop System:

Yes we do have a Loop Listening Systems for the Hearing Impaired.


  • CHURCH: Seating capacity 180 (200 including the choir stalls)
  • HALL: Seating capacity 120
  • LOUNGE with Kitchenette: Seating capacity 25
© Copyright St Columba Church 2011, All Rights Reserved